The next online lecture of the series titled Facets of the Health Humanities (promoted by the Prose Section of “Il Pietrisco”) is scheduled to be delivered on Zoom on 20th October at 6pm (GMT):

Isabel Fernandes, ‘Narrative and the novel: from form to function‘, October 20, 2021, at 6pm GMT 

Bionote: Isabel Fernandes is Emeritus Professor of English at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, Scientific Coordinator of the interdisciplinary and international project in Medical Humanities, and PI of FCT funded project SHARE – Health and Humanities Acting Together. She has published extensively on several British writers and has authored and edited: Critical Dialogues: Slow Readings of English Literary Texts (2011), Literatura: a (in)disciplina na intersecção dos saberes e das artes (Literature: The (In)discipline at the intersection of knowledge and the arts) (2011), Contar (com) a Medicina (Coiunting on Medicine) (2015, 2016 e 2018), Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine (2015) and Entrecruzares Bioéticos (Bioethical Interfaces) (2020).

Abstract: I will start by a very brief approach to what is narrative, its diversity, complexity and pervasiveness in our lives. I will then concentrate on one form of narrative discourse: the novel. I will address its main features and its difference from the other literary genres, following Mikhail Bakhtin’s theorization. The novel’s specificity in its relation to language/s accounts for its proximity to life and justifies its relevance in health care education and settings, where it may help healthcare students and professionals get attuned to different voices and points of view and develop “an instinct for life” (D. H. Lawrence).

Chaired by Chiara Battisti


Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89057439694?pwd=ZzFrYys4cVp4VjZLU01zczIyVDdPdz09

Meeting ID: 890 5743 9694

For passcode email: prose@pietrisco.net

Deadline for enrolment: 1 pm on October 20, 2021 


Next appointment:
November 17, 2021

Perform/Ability: Theatre and the Health Humanities. Enrico Totola (“Punto in Movimento”) in dialogue with  Mick Greer (School of Arts & Humanities, University of Lisbon)


“Il Pietrisco” is a project that includes a biennial open-access online Journal and its Resource Centre. It aims to propose a systematic study at a comparative and interdisciplinary level of Poetry, Prose and Cinema at a global level. The section Prose is directed by Chiara Battisti and Carmela Pierini. All details here.