The question of how technology moulds physical and social environments, collective and individual identities, and cultural and artistic production serves as a driving force for practitioners across various disciplines. The impact of technology on social systems, economic power, moral judgments, notions of reality, and the integrity of human identity encompasses two competing ideas: the concept of inherent progressive intent in modern technological advancement versus the unintended consequences and repercussions of technological influence, which, once set in motion, cannot be undone.
what will be the future of the creative industry?
Which role could human beings have and with which effort? Can AI be considered and machine learning simply a new tech, tool or media or are we facing a change of paradigm in our culture?
The proposal for a joint SAE-UTP (Pegaso Digital University) event represents an opportunity for International scholars to engage in a dialogue, with the aim of bringing together the debate offered by the different perspectives surrounding visual, auditory, audiovisual, and textual creative productions.
The conference will be held on 28th – 29th of June at SAE Institute Campus, sited in Milan.
The participation is free of charge.
We invite scholars, technologists, artists, and industry professionals to send a 300 word abstract (English or Italian) with the presentation of their own research, theoretical reflections or literary review on the impact of AI in artistic and, more generally, creative production. Artistic installation or AI-combined creative products are welcomed for the exhibition panel, during the second day of the conference, in which artists can describe and show their production.
It will be possible to submit a poster-presentation. In this specific case, it is necessary to send a short abstract with title and the main core of the poster (max 200 words).
Please, send your proposal by the following form:
The selected authors are invited to send the first draft of the paper (no more than 8000 words bibliography included) two weeks before the conference.
Proceedings will be published in an open access book by a publishing house indexed by Scopus for by the end of the 2024.
Panels, details, keynote speakes and updates are available on